Royce's Alaskan License Plates - Collections
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The collection of Dan Gibson

This is the Alaskan license plate collection of Dan Gibson.

108 850 982 291 000 361
1314 296 2831 2831 2831 983 1403 2205 3663 2034 3802 418
890 410 230 7668 175 37 406 123 120 710
889 24 872 102 551 963 69 780 69 345 tk^913
19 52 18 779 779 18 97 862 50 180
24 505 a^122 b^3 g^1 l^19 aa^355 dx-psg aaa^213 3
162 411 78 76
221 488

About the collector

Dan Gibson collected his (mostly) low-numbered run, 1926-1976, from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s and has hardly added anything since. A former ALPCA member (#3647), he published articles on Alaska plates in the ALPCA Newsletter (Recent History of Alaska Passenger Plates, February 1984; and The Alaska Road Commission, August 1992). Now retired from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, he has lived in Ester and Fairbanks for 50 years and would be pleased to discuss Alaska plates via email at
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Last updated 2015-11-15