Royce's Alaskan License Plates - Passenger Plates - C series
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Passenger vehicles (C series)

To minimize bandwidth and to conserve disk space, I have included one plate from each prefix set (CAx, CBx, etc.) wherever possible, as well as other plates of interest.

I am usually also on the lookout for an example of each prefix (CRA, CRB, etc.), though I do not display them all here. To see which plates I need pictures of, check out the Unspotted Plates page.

CAA914 CAZ100 CBA355 CBY652

The blockier font that started with the BTJ series ends with the CBY series. The current font begins in the CBZ series.

CBZ522 CCA888

Somewhere between CCE and CCN, the flag reverted back to the rougher print with smaller stars:

light flag heavy flag

Credits to Dave Nicholson for first noticing this in July 2007.

CDR865 CEN884 CFJ526 CHD794 CJL618 CWK984 CLW699 CMA185 CNX482 CPP240 CRF353 CSL865 CTU188 CTY999 CUZ740 CVJ458 CWF820

The following prefixes were deliberately excluded from the Cxx series:

There are no CX- plates. I have not yet asked the DMV why.

CYG263 CZZ689

Missing: [CGx]

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Last updated 2018-05-26